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© Flexcel Reporting - South Africa
Powered by an Excel team who know and love Excel!
Contact: +27 41 585 0745 admin@flexcel.co.za  Tutorial Excel Training You choose what skills you want to include  Individual Flexible Excel Tutoring Flexcel offers individual tutorial Excel training tailored to help you get the best andmost efficient use out of your Excel.  We will base our content on what you need and help you gain the skills to utilise Excel to your best advantage.   No need to sit through hours of training just to get through a workbook or a course, enduring many functions and features you will never use.   Flexcel has been offering Excel reporting solutions and training since 2003. Our consultants are able to lean on their decades of experience, working with hundreds of clients and thousands of different reports for a multitude of diverse companies. Flexcel only does Excel.  ·	On line individual tuition - (from one hour to 2 days) ·	Specific solutions - where you know what you want but don’t know how to get there ·	Upgrades of Excel skills in specific areas e.g. PivotTables, macros, specific formulas, etc ·	General Excel training - up to 3 delegates ·	Application to your own data and reports ·	Our special 2 hour “Tips and Tricks” session that will enhance your Excel efficiency exponentially! ·	Our tutors know and use Excel every day, not just a trainer who has learned the manual ·	Only trained on what you need ·	Fit in with your time schedule - on line! ·	Personal attention and interactive ·	Application to your unique work environment and needs ·	Primarily aimed at decision makers and management who need Excel efficiency and knowledge to enhance productivity Flexcel’s Excel Tutorials are not for those who want a formal course to add to their resume or where the company is offering Excel training to meet requirements. It’s for enhancing your personal Excel skills!